Day 39, Thursday, August 7.

Galeston, PA to Lawton, PA
Daily Mileage: 100.57 miles
Total Mileage: 3,509.6 miles
Daily Time on Bike: 7:06 hours
Average Speed: 14.1 mph
Maximum Speed: 38.3 mph

We woke from our nice slumber on the classroom floor. It's always nice to sleep in churches. We feel like it's our home having walls, a roof, and indoor, clean plumbing. After brushing our teeth and running through the daily morning rituals we headed over to the Ox Yoke for breakfast. Supposedly, we received the “Lumberjack” portions, but they looked smaller than most. The only difference was that they put it all on one plate. It was a touristy type of restaurant that looked like it hadn't changed since the 1970's with all of it's dark wood paneling and sign over the door saying, "We haven't changed since the 70s."

From Galeton our travels took us to Wellsboro. A small touristy town that most people say resembles a New England one with its gas streetlights. We stopped at the pharmacy to grab something to drink and a snack, along with a USA Today. We took all these things down to the park, sat around by the fountain and enjoyed our little break. The next town we hit was twelve miles away. We stopped there just so the next towns would fall into our twenty-mile schedule that has worked so nicely for us up to now.

Our 4PM break was in Towanda, a busy little town. We figured there was a shift change happening at the local factory to provide this rush hour. We stopped at a gas station for a light snack. While sitting on the curb, as we do most places we stop, kids in cars continued to enter and exit the parking lot. Finally, as we were getting ready to leave this girl asked us about the trip. Her reply to Washington State being our starting point was, "that's on the other side of the map." And our reply was "No shit.”

We had roughly twenty miles to Camptown. The first ten were used getting over two huge hills. Both were very scenic with rock cuts on our left and valley on our right. At the top of the second hill, we hit highway 409, which took us winding downward through forest for the remaining five miles to Camptown. From there we traveled a very tiring ten miles to Lowden. The hills weren't bad, but my body was aching and I was getting tired.

Once in town, which is only a small village, we located the only café. It was either that or the bar across the street for dinner. We opted for the café, named something to the effect of "Boo-Dee-Hoo's." During our dinner we were able to watch part of the new Home Improvement and Seinfeld episodes. David tried something new tonight, going right up and asking if we could camp behind the diner. A strange exchange of addresses occurred, but here we are. We haven't done a full-blown camping job since Kewanee, IL.

(Photo: Scenic Pennsylvania.)