Day 25, Thursday, July 24.

Woodbury, MN to Winona, MN
Daily Mileage: 103.97 miles
Total Mileage: 2,273.7 miles
Daily Time on Bike: 7:39 hours
Average Speed: 13.5 mph
Maximum Speed: 34.1 mph

We woke at 7AM. I shaved my face and brushed my teeth for what ended up being the last time for several days. Breakfast was ready for us by 7:30AM. Once again it looked like it had been ripped straight out of Better Homes & Gardens. Good Morning America was on the television, the newspaper folded neatly on the table, massive amounts of food, and juice, once again poured in glass pitchers. We picked up all our freshly washed clothes and began to pack our bikes. The extra food our hosts gave us was packed tightly in our bags, we gave a round of hugs and handshakes, took a few pictures, we rolled out of the driveway for Day 25.

I felt really tight after our day off, and the first couple of pedals seemed like our first ever on the bikes. It took pretty much all day to get back into the groove. Early on we made a quick stop in Wisconsin. Then we proceeded to jump the Mississippi River again. This time however, it looked a little bit bigger than last, and for the majority of the day we traveled right along side it. It rained on and off throughout the day and was incredibly humid. We made it to Winona and ate at Subway, even though I was still stuffed from all of the great food we were fed the past few days. We made various phone calls and then camped behind another church—this time without asking. Today, we road through Red Wing, MN where Red Wing shoes are made; passed Wabasha, MN, the supposed setting for the Grumpy Old Men movies; and tried unsuccessfully to find a haircut for under $9.00.

(Photos: David and I leaving our friends’ home. The “Welcome to Wisconsin” sign.)