Day 21, Sunday, July 20.

Roland, MN to Long Prarie, MN
Daily Mileage: 126.93 miles
Total Mileage: 2,006.1 miles
Daily Time on Bike: 9:05 hours
Average Speed: 13.9 mph
Maximum Speed: 34.5 mph

Started the day at the ELCA church. We hurried to get out before anyone arrived for morning service as it is Sunday. We were on the road by 8AM after a brief truing job on my wheel. Road for about twelve miles to the next little town for breakfast. We ate at a nice café where we were able to write a couple postcards. Before we went into the café we met a father and son duo from Holland. They had started in Minneapolis and were doing a big custom tour of America's National Parks. We rode on for some time, making stops in the many small towns for food, drink, or restrooms. The best town today was Battle Lake. They have this bakery and we just about ordered one of everything they had. About a mile down the road we were stopping to eat more.

I love Minnesota accents, and the people here are incredibly friendly. One guy actually stopped his car in the middle of the road to talk with us. Another farmer and his family talked with us a lot at Subway. When we asked the girl at Subway about possible camping sights, she directed us to a good place, but then called her parents a couple of times to find us a nicer place.

When we finally arrived at the campground it was late—as always. David went into the office and immerged a while later with the owner. Come to find out, the owners are cyclists. We're staying for free because their motto is, if you pedal your way in, than you deserve someplace free. Wow! They have showers, nice bathrooms, and soft grass to sleep on. We made use of the free showers by shaving our legs, washing and doing a couple piece of laundry. It's great, and the water is soft as well. I think this was shower three or four of the entire trip.

(Photo: David with one of the many altered road signs we saw on the trip.)