Day 19, Friday, July 18.

Fessenden, ND to Hope, ND
Daily Mileage: 111.76 miles
Total Mileage: 1,766.3 miles
Daily Time on Bike: 8:14 hours
Average Speed: 13.5 mph
Maximum Speed: 28.3 mph

We awoke in our nice, comfortable home at 1010 2nd Street NE. After brushing our teeth, we were off for breakfast at the Main Street CafĂ©. You might question why we’d brush our teeth and then have breakfast, but we learned early on that if you didn’t brush your teeth when you had the chance, you might not get to it that day.

From Fessenden we headed to Carrington. We ate lunch at various places, snacking here and there along the way. Our dinner was at some pizza place. We weren't too concerned with time today because we were doing the RAAM—finally. Our plan was to ride until we hit Minneapolis. Uh, we didn't make it. Around 11PM we pulled into Hope, ND. The mosquitoes were killing us on and off the bikes, our glasses were fogging over, and we couldn't see very well in the dark. We asked the sheriff where we could set-up camp, and he pointed us to the town's park. So here we are—big plans, little results up to this point. The alarm clock is set for 5:30AM, hopefully we're up and going by that time.

(Photo: David drafting behind a tractor hauling hay.)